Membership in this Association is open to companies operating tubular exchanger manufacturing facilities located in the United States, Canada, and Mexico that are actively engaged in the engineering, manufacture and sale in the open market of process heat transfer equipment and appurtenances designed and manufactured in accordance with the Standards of the Tubular Manufacturers Association, Inc., and/or the ASME Code and/or an equivalent standard for a minimum of 5 years. The applicant shall agree to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Association.
An initiation fee
of $5,000 is required following the approval of the membership application.
The qualifications
will be determined by a survey team appointed by the Membership Committee.
Attendance at meetings
is an important aspect of TEMA® membership

The Technical Committee
consists of experienced technical personnel from member companies and holds two to three meetings a year at times and locations separate from the General Membership Meetings.
General Membership Meetings
are held three times a year in order to conduct a business roundtable, listen to outside speakers address technical, regulatory, legislative, and market issues, as well as to provide direction to the TEMA® Technical Committee.
Mission of the Technical Committee
to maintain and update the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association and identify research and develop solutions for heat exchanger applications. This cooperative technical effort creates an extensive network for problem-solving, adding value from design to fabrication.
Prospective applicants
may request an application, current dues information and a copy of the Constitution and By-laws by calling 914-332-0040 or emailing info@tema.org.

members as a resource today ensures a reliable partner for years to come.